Fibonacci numbers form an interesting sequence of numbers in which each element is obtained by adding two preceding elements and the sequence starts with 0
and 1
Fibonacci was discovered by a Sanskrit grammarian Pingala in 200 BC. Was introduced to western world by Leonardo of Pisa, known as Fibonacci. Fibonacci nos. are Nature’s way of numbering.
Sequence is defined as, $$ F_{0} = 0 $$ and $$ F_{1} = 1 $$ and $$ F_{n} = F_{n-1} + F_{n-2} $$
Here are some fibonacci numbers:
Terms of Fibonacci Sequence | |
F(0) = 0 | F(10) = 55 |
F(1)= 1 | F(11) = 89 |
F(2) = 1 | F(12) = 144 |
F(3) = 2 | F(13) = 233 |
F(4) = 3 | F(14) = 377 |
F(5) = 5 | F(15) = 610 |
F(6) = 8 | F(16) = 987 |
F(7) = 13 | F(17) = 1597 |
F(8) = 21 | F(18) = 2584 |
F(9) = 34 | F(19) = 4181 |