
Table: SalesPerson

| Column Name     | Type    |
| sales_id        | int     |
| name            | varchar |
| salary          | int     |
| commission_rate | int     |
| hire_date       | date    |
sales_id is the primary key column for this table.
Each row of this table indicates the name and the ID of a salesperson alongside their salary, commission rate, and hire date.

Table: Company

| Column Name | Type    |
| com_id      | int     |
| name        | varchar |
| city        | varchar |
com_id is the primary key column for this table.
Each row of this table indicates the name and the ID of a company and the city in which the company is located.

Table: Orders

| Column Name | Type |
| order_id    | int  |
| order_date  | date |
| com_id      | int  |
| sales_id    | int  |
| amount      | int  |
order_id is the primary key column for this table.
com_id is a foreign key to com_id from the Company table.
sales_id is a foreign key to sales_id from the SalesPerson table.
Each row of this table contains information about one order. This includes the ID of the company, the ID of the salesperson, the date of the order, and the amount paid.

Write an SQL query to report the names of all the salespersons who did not have any orders related to the company with the name “RED”.

Return the result table in any order.

The query result format is in the following example.


Example 1:

Input: SalesPerson table:

| sales_id | name | salary | commission_rate | hire_date  |
| 1        | John | 100000 | 6               | 4/1/2006   |
| 2        | Amy  | 12000  | 5               | 5/1/2010   |
| 3        | Mark | 65000  | 12              | 12/25/2008 |
| 4        | Pam  | 25000  | 25              | 1/1/2005   |
| 5        | Alex | 5000   | 10              | 2/3/2007   |

Company table:

| com_id | name   | city     |
| 1      | RED    | Boston   |
| 2      | ORANGE | New York |
| 3      | YELLOW | Boston   |
| 4      | GREEN  | Austin   |

Orders table:

| order_id | order_date | com_id | sales_id | amount |
| 1        | 1/1/2014   | 3      | 4        | 10000  |
| 2        | 2/1/2014   | 4      | 5        | 5000   |
| 3        | 3/1/2014   | 1      | 1        | 50000  |
| 4        | 4/1/2014   | 1      | 4        | 25000  |


| name |
| Amy  |
| Mark |
| Alex |

Explanation: According to orders 3 and 4 in the Orders table, it is easy to tell that only salesperson John and Pam have sales to company RED, so we report all the other names in the table salesperson.


Method 1 - Subquery as per Example Explanation

  • Write a subquery on Company to get the company id for name ‘RED’
  • Write a subquery on Orders to get all the sales_id where company id is equal to previous subquery
  • Finally, write subquery on SalesPerson table, such that we filter out all the users from previous subquery


SELECT FROM SalesPerson s
WHERE s.sales_id NOT IN 
    (SELECT distinct o.sales_id FROM Orders o WHERE o.com_id = 
        (SELECT c.com_id FROM Company c WHERE'RED')

Method 2 - Just Doing Left Joins 🏆

Just do the left join between the tables. Now, we do group by on Now we have 2 cases:

  • Either, the salesperson has done no sales, hence they have have not sold the RED company. So, we take it by checking count=0
  • OR IF the person has sold something, we have to discard. So, we do NOT SUM to do that.


SELECT FROM SalesPerson s
LEFT JOIN orders o ON (o.sales_id=s.sales_id)
LEFT JOIN company c ON (o.com_id=c.com_id)
HAVING COUNT(order_id)=0 OR NOT SUM('RED')>0

Method 3 - Left and Right Join🥈

First 2 left Join between Orders and Company, such that we consider sales of only RED company.

THen do right join on SalesPerson, and just the case where sales_id is null.


SELECT FROM orders o 
JOIN company c ON (o.com_id = c.com_id AND = 'RED')
RIGHT JOIN SalesPerson s ON s.sales_id = o.sales_id
WHERE o.sales_id IS null
import pandas as pd

def sales_person(sales_person: pd.DataFrame, company: pd.DataFrame, orders: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    return sales_person[
                right=company[company['name'] == 'RED'],