Count Number of Bad PairsMedium
Design a Number Container SystemMedium
Find the Number of Distinct Colors Among the BallsMedium
Length of the Longest Consecutive 1s in Binary RepresentationEasystripe
Find All Occurrences of the Pattern in the StringMediummicrosoft
Collatz SequenceEasyapple
Tuple with Same ProductMedium
Clear DigitsEasy
Maximum Ascending Subarray SumEasy
Permutation of Array using given orderEasytwitter
Next Permutation of IntegerEasyibm
Longest Strictly Increasing or Strictly Decreasing SubarrayEasy
Check if Array Is Sorted and RotatedEasy
Making A Large IslandHardamazon facebook google uber
Divide Nodes Into the Maximum Number of GroupsHard
Maximum Number of Fish in a GridMedium
Maximum Employees to Be Invited to a MeetingHard
Balance Parentheses with Minimum Insertions and DeletionsHardfacebook
Make Lexicographically Smallest Array by Swapping ElementsMedium
Count elements in range in sorted matrixHardgoogle
Longest subarray with distinct elementsEasygoogle
Fix the variable capture in closureMediumgoogle
Check if any pair of rectangles overlapEasygoogle
Divide array into two subsets with minimum differenceHardmicrosoft
Area of intersection of two rectanglesEasygoogle
Count Servers that CommunicateMediumamazon google
Check if a graph is minimally-connectedMediumfacebook
Split string into fewest palindromic substringsHardgoogle
Alice Joins Probability Student Club by Calculating Expected Values of Probabilistic GamesHardtwo-sigma
Describe and give an example of Ad-hoc, Parametric and Subtype polymorphismMediummicrosoft
Run a Markov chain and count state visitsEasygoogle
Map of Highest PeakMedium
Construct Binary Search Tree BST from Postorder TraversalMediumgoogle
Flatten a nested dictionaryEasystripe
Busiest period in a buildingEasyamazon
Grid GameMedium
Sort a linked list in O(n log n) time and constant spaceMediumgoogle
Implement a 2D iterator classMediumuber
Length of the longest path in a weighted treeHarduber
First Completely Painted Row or ColumnMedium
Minimum Cost to Make at Least One Valid Path in a GridHard
Neighboring Bitwise XORMedium
Bitwise XOR of All PairingsMedium
Minimize XORMedium
Generate random numbers from list based on given probabilitiesMediumtriplebyte
Sort a list using reverse sublist operationHard
Find the Prefix Common Array of Two ArraysMedium
Minimum Length of String After OperationsMedium
Check if a Parentheses String Can Be ValidMedium
Construct K Palindrome StringsMedium