Find the maximum sum leaf to root path in a Binary Tree. Means in all the paths from root to leaves, find the path which has the maximum sum.
Example 1
graph TD A[10] A --> B[8] A --> C[2] B --> D[3] B --> E[5] C --> F[2] C --> G[1] classDef maxPath fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px; A:::maxPath C:::maxPath G:::maxPath
Input: [10, 8, 2, 3, 5, 2, 1]
Output: [10, 2, 1]
Explanation: The maximum sum path from root to leaf is 10 -> 8 -> 5 which has a sum of 23.
Example 2
graph TD A[-10] A --> B[20] A --> C[30] B --> D[-10] B --> E[50] C --> F[35] C --> G[100] classDef maxPath fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px; A:::maxPath B:::maxPath D:::maxPath
Input: [-10, 20, 30, -10, 50, 35, 100]
Output: [-10, -20, 10]
Explanation: The maximum sum path from leaf to root is 30 -> 100 which has a sum of 130.
Method 1 - DFS
To find the minimum path sum from the root to a leaf in a binary tree, a Depth-First Search (DFS) traversal can be used to explore all paths from the root to each leaf node. By keeping track of the current sum and updating it if a leaf node is reached with a new minimum sum, we can determine the desired path.
Here is the approach:
- Tree Traversal: Use DFS to traverse the tree from the root to each leaf node.
- Track Minimum Sum: At each node, add its value to the current sum. When a leaf node is reached, update the minimum sum if the current path sum is less than the known minimum sum.
- Store Path: As we traverse, keep track of nodes in the current path and update the path if the current path’s sum is smaller.
class Solution {
public List<Integer> minSumRootToLeaf(TreeNode root) {
if (root == null) return new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> minPath = new ArrayList<>();
List<Integer> currentPath = new ArrayList<>();
int[] minSum = {Integer.MAX_VALUE};
dfs(root, 0, minSum, minPath, currentPath);
return minPath;
private void dfs(TreeNode node, int currentSum, int[] minSum, List<Integer> minPath, List<Integer> currentPath) {
if (node == null) return;
currentSum += node.val;
// If it's a leaf node
if (node.left == null && node.right == null) {
if (currentSum < minSum[0]) {
minSum[0] = currentSum;
} else {
dfs(node.left, currentSum, minSum, minPath, currentPath);
dfs(node.right, currentSum, minSum, minPath, currentPath);
currentPath.remove(currentPath.size() - 1);
class Solution:
def minSumRootToLeaf(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> List[int]:
if not root:
return []
self.min_sum = float('inf')
self.min_path = []
current_path = []
self.dfs(root, 0, current_path)
return self.min_path
def dfs(self, node: Optional[TreeNode], current_sum: int, current_path: List[int]) -> None:
if not node:
current_sum += node.val
# If it's a leaf node
if not node.left and not node.right:
if current_sum < self.min_sum:
self.min_sum = current_sum
self.min_path = list(current_path)
self.dfs(node.left, current_sum, current_path)
self.dfs(node.right, current_sum, current_path)
current_path.pop() # Backtrack
- ⏰ Time complexity:
is the number of nodes in the tree, as we visit each node once. - 🧺 Space complexity:
is the height of the tree, due to the recursion stack.