URL Vs URI Vs URN Lets first look at full form: UR - Uniform Resource URI - UR Identifier URL - UR Locator URN - UR Name TLDR URI (uniform resource identifier) identifies a specific resource on the web (for e.g. text document, image file, etc) URL (uniform resource locator) is a subset of the URIs that include a network location. So, it not only identifies a resource but also provides a means of locating it by describing its primary access mechanism ( e.g. network location) URN (uniform resource name) is a subset of URIs that names a resource without implying its location or how it can be accessed. (eg. urn:isbn:0451450523) Generally, ...

August 9, 2023 Ā· 3 min

URL Structure

URLs possess a distinct structure comprising various components, some mandatory and others optional. The most critical parts are highlighted in the URL below (details follow in subsequent sections). Scheme: Indicates the protocol used to access the resource. Besides the common HTTP and HTTPS, numerous otherĀ schemesĀ can be used. Domain: Specifies the server hosting the resource, which can be aĀ domain nameĀ or an IP address. Port: Denotes the protocol port for sending the request. It is typically omitted, assuming the default protocol port. Path: Defines the path to the resource on the server. Parameters: Optional additional information provided to the server. Anchor: Represents a specific section within the resource, also known as a fragment. The combination of the domain name and the port, if included, is referred to as the authority. The scheme and authority are separated byĀ ://. In the absence of an authority, the scheme and the rest of the URL are separated by a colonĀ :. For example, a URL representing an email address, likeĀ mailto:[email protected], lacks the authority part. ...

July 16, 2023 Ā· 2 min

URL Query Strings

Query stringsĀ are formatted to represent key-value pairs as ā€œargumentsā€ within a URL. key1=value1&key2=value2 If the keys or values contain special URL characters, they are escaped usingĀ URL encoding. motto=love%3Dblind&favorite_icecream=ben%20%26%20jerry%27s This format does not support nested data mappings.

June 16, 2023 Ā· 1 min
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