Length of the Longest Consecutive 1s in Binary Representation | Easy | stripe | |
Collatz Sequence | Easy | apple | |
Clear Digits | Easy | | |
Maximum Ascending Subarray Sum | Easy | | |
Permutation of Array using given order | Easy | twitter | |
Next Permutation of Integer | Easy | ibm | |
Longest Strictly Increasing or Strictly Decreasing Subarray | Easy | | |
Check if Array Is Sorted and Rotated | Easy | | |
Longest subarray with distinct elements | Easy | google | |
Check if any pair of rectangles overlap | Easy | google | |
Area of intersection of two rectangles | Easy | google | |
Run a Markov chain and count state visits | Easy | google | |
Flatten a nested dictionary | Easy | stripe | |
Busiest period in a building | Easy | amazon | |
Counting Words With a Given Prefix | Easy | | |
Count Prefix and Suffix Pairs 1 | Easy | | |
Design a Sparse Array | Easy | facebook | |
String Matching in an Array | Easy | amazon | |
Design hit counter with range queries | Easy | riot-games | |
Check if target word exists in matrix horizontally or vertically | Easy | microsoft | |
Expected number of rounds to reach one remaining coin | Easy | microsoft | |
Check if doubly linked list is palindrome | Easy | google | |
Return two prime numbers that sum to a given even number | Easy | alibaba | |
Final Prices With a Special Discount in a Shop | Easy | | |
Final Array State After K Multiplication Operations 1 Problem | Easy | | |
Take Gifts From the Richest Pile | Easy | | |
Find GCD of n numbers | Easy | amazon | |
Min Queue Problem | Easy | | |
Range Sum Query - Immutable | Easy | amazon
goldman-sachs | |
Design an Ordered Stream Problem | Easy | | |
Check If a Word Occurs As a Prefix of Any Word in a Sentence Problem | Easy | yelp | |
Maximum Score After Splitting a String | Easy | google | |
Special Array 1 | Easy | | |
Binary Tree Path Sum - Minimum Sum Root to Leaf path | Easy | apple | |
Rectangle Overlap | Easy | adobe
oracle | |
Binary Tree Path - All root to leaf paths | Easy | adobe
microsoft | |
Defuse the Bomb Problem | Easy | | |
Consecutive Characters Problem | Easy | | |
Capitalize the Title Problem | Easy | | |
Circular Sentence Problem | Easy | | |
Delete Characters to Make Fancy String Problem | Easy | | |
Row With Maximum Ones Problem | Easy | | |
Minimum String Length After Removing Substrings Problem | Easy | | |
Sentence Similarity Problem | Easy | google | |
Rank Transform of an Array Problem | Easy | google | |
Minimum Absolute Difference | Easy | audible | |
Uncommon Words from Two Sentences Problem | Easy | amazon
microsoft | |
Count the Number of Consistent Strings Problem | Easy | | |
Minimum Steps to Traverse Points in an Infinite 2D Grid Problem | Easy | google | |
Capturing Loop Variables in Lambdas Problem | Easy | dropbox | |