Given the root
of a binary tree and two integers val
and depth
, add a row of nodes with value val
at the given depth depth
Note that the root
node is at depth 1
The adding rule is:
- Given the integer
, for each not null tree nodecur
at the depthdepth - 1
, create two tree nodes with valueval
’s left subtree root and right subtree root. cur
’s original left subtree should be the left subtree of the new left subtree root.cur
’s original right subtree should be the right subtree of the new right subtree root.- If
depth == 1
that means there is no depthdepth - 1
at all, then create a tree node with valueval
as the new root of the whole original tree, and the original tree is the new root’s left subtree.
Example 1:
root = [4,2,6,3,1,5], val = 1, depth = 2
Example 2:
root = [4,2,null,3,1], val = 1, depth = 3
Method 1 - DFS
Base case
- If the root is null, we do nothing and simply return the root,
- If depth is 1, in that case we are adding a new node above current root. So, we should handle that
- If depth is 2, we just create 2 tree nodes, with left child being root’s left, and right child being root’s right.
- Then we also update root’s left and right to newly created nodes in respective order
- Otherwise, start traversing towards the depth of tree. As, we traverse 1 level lower, we reduce depth by 1
public TreeNode addOneRow(TreeNode root, int val, int depth) {
if (root == null) {
return root;
if (depth == 1) {
return new TreeNode(val, root, null);
} else if (depth == 2) {
root.left = new TreeNode(val, root.left, null);
root.right = new TreeNode(val, null, root.right);
addOneRow(root.left, val, depth - 1);
addOneRow(root.right, val, depth - 1);
return root;
- Time:
where n is number of nodes in tree. - Space: