Given values of two nodes in a Binary Tree p
and q
, find the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA).
It may be assumed that both nodes exist in the tree and Node has parent pointer.
class Node {
public int val;
public Node left;
public Node right;
public Node parent;
Lowest Common Ancestor Definition
Example 1:
graph TD; 6; 6 --- 2; 6 --- 8; 2 --- 0; 2 --- 4; 8 --- 7; 8 --- 9; 4 --- 3; 4 --- 5; style 2 fill:#FF9933 style 8 fill:#FF9933 style 6 fill:#3399FF
Input: root = [6,2,8,0,4,7,9,null,null,3,5], p = 2, q = 8
Output: 6
Explanation: The LCA of nodes 2 and 8 is 6.
Example 2:
graph TD; 6; 6 --- 2; 6 --- 8; 2 --- 0; 2 --- 4; 8 --- 7; 8 --- 9; 4 --- 3; 4 --- 5; style 2 fill:#FF9933 style 4 fill:#FF9933 style 2 fill:#3399FF
Input: root = [6,2,8,0,4,7,9,null,null,3,5], p = 2, q = 4
Output: 2
Explanation: The LCA of nodes 2 and 4 is 2, since a node can be a descendant of itself according to the LCA definition.
Method 1 - Using Hashtable to create ancestor set
- Create an hashset for node p, traversing till
node - Check if
or any of its ancestors exist in hashset, if yes return the first existing ancestor.
// To find LCA of nodes p and q in Binary Tree
public Node lowestCommonAncestor(Node p, Node q) {
Set<Node> ancestorSet = new HashSet<Node> ();
// Insert p and all its ancestors in set
while (p != null) {
p = p.parent;
// Check if q or any of its ancestors exists in set
while (q != null) {
if (ancestorSet.contains(q)) {
return q;
q = q.parent;
return null;
- ⏰ Time complexity:
- 🧺 Space complexity:
Method 2 - Calculate Height Difference Between 2 Nodes
We may have 2 cases for nodes p
and q
- Both
are at same level ⇨ there is no height difference - They are not at same level ⇨ they have height difference
We can solve the problem in O(1) extra space using following fact :
- Case 1 - Same level - If both nodes are at same level and if we traverse up using parent pointers of both nodes, the first common node in the path to root is LCA.
- Case 2 - Different level - But if they are at different level, then we move up the deeper node pointer by the depth-difference. Once both nodes reach same level, it becomes like case 1, and we traverse them up and return the first common node.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
Node lowestCommonAncestor(Node p, Node q) {
// Find depths of two nodes and differences
int d1 = depth(p), d2 = depth(q);
int diff = d1 - d2;
// If q is deeper, swap p and q
// we want p to deeper for traversal
if (diff < 0) {
swap(p, q)
diff = -diff;
// Move p up until it reaches the same level as q
while (diff-- != 0) {
p = p.parent;
// Now p and q are at same levels
while (p != null && q != null) {
if (p == q) {
return p;
p = p.parent;
q = q.parent;
return null;
private int depth(Node node) {
int d = -1;
while (node != null) {
node = node.parent;
return d;
private void swap(Node a, Node b) {
final Node temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
- ⏰ Time complexity:
- 🧺 Space complexity:
Method 3 - Using Y Shaped Linked List Thinking
We have already seen the problem - Y shaped linked list
For eg. Look at LCA of the Trees here:
Now the challenge is height difference. (Similar challenge we had for in Linked list with length difference.).
public Node lowestCommonAncestor(Node p, Node q) {
Node a = p, b = q;
while(a != b) {
a = a == null ? q: a.parent;
b = b == null ? p: b.parent;
return a;