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Area of intersection of two rectanglesEasygoogle
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Map of Highest PeakMedium
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Flatten a nested dictionaryEasystripe
Busiest period in a buildingEasyamazon
Grid GameMedium
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First Completely Painted Row or ColumnMedium
Minimum Cost to Make at Least One Valid Path in a GridHardgoogle
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Bitwise XOR of All PairingsMedium
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Minimum Length of String After OperationsMedium
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Construct K Palindrome StringsMediumuber
Word SubsetsMediumamazon facebook google
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Implement 3 stacks in 1 listHardmicrosoft
Implement a bit arrayMediumamazon
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Design a Sparse ArrayEasyfacebook
String Matching in an ArrayEasyamazon
Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each BoxMedium
Design hit counter with range queriesEasyriot-games
Square root of a real numberMedium
Shifting Letters IIMedium
Check if target word exists in matrix horizontally or verticallyEasymicrosoft
Break a string into lines of length k without breaking wordsMediumamazon
Expected number of rounds to reach one remaining coinEasymicrosoft
Maximum coins from top-left to bottom-right with right or down movesMediumzillow
Smallest set to cover all intervalsMediumgoogle microsoft
Number of Ways to Split ArrayMedium
Generate a finite, but an arbitrarily large binary tree in O(1) timeMediumjane-street
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Count Vowel Strings in RangesMedium
Best Sightseeing PairMediumwayfair
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