Remove duplicate characters in a string
Check if given array is Palindrome OR Not
Expression Tree Definition
Longest Absolute File Path ProblemMediumamazon apple facebook google uber wish
Find index k in boolean matrix where kth row has all 0s and kth column has all 1s
Sorting a Stack using push,pop,isEmpty and peek
Implement 3 stacks in 1 arrayMedium
Implement insertion sort with stacks
Order-agnostic Binary Search on Sorted Array
Unique BSTs 3 - Count given node keys between m and n
Check if an Array of Integers is Sorted
Count frequency of target element in sorted array
Count number of bits to be flipped to convert A to BEasy
Determine if a string has all unique characters
Find floor of target element in a sorted array
Find the nearest numbers that have same number of 1s for an integer
Implement selection sort on stack
List Combinations - Generate unique combinations from list selecting 1 element from eachMedium
Longest Substring with K distinct charactersgoogle
Maximum Pairwise Product 1 - Given only Positive Integers
Remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list keeping only one instance
Replace all spaces in c-style string with '%20'
Rotate String ProblemEasyamazon apple ebay linkedin microsoft oracle google
Set all bits of a number in a range equal to another number
Swap odd and even bits in an integercisco
Find smallest letter greater than target in a sorted array of lettersEasylinkedin
Find Common Elements in Two Sorted Linked Lists
Find last modular node in linked list for given k
Check if the length of a linked list is even or odd
Array-based Trie Implementation