Sentence Similarity 2 - with transitive word pairs | Medium | amazon
google | |
Sentence Similarity 3 - By Insertion | Medium | | |
3Sum Smaller | Medium | google
mathworks | |
Divide Players Into Teams of Equal Skill Problem | Medium | | |
Make Sum Divisible by P Problem | Medium | | |
Rank Transform of an Array Problem | Easy | google | |
Check If Array Pairs Are Divisible by k Problem | Medium | paypal | |
Design a Stack With Increment Operation Problem | Medium | microsoft | |
Sum of Prefix Scores of Strings Problem | Hard | | |
Find the Length of the Longest Common Prefix Problem | Medium | | |
Extra Characters in a String Problem | Medium | | |
Minimum Absolute Difference | Easy | audible | |
Trough index in a Valley array | | | |
Delete List Nodes With Larger Value Node on the Right | | | |
Uncommon Words from Two Sentences Problem | Easy | amazon
microsoft | |
Flatten a Multi-Level Linked List in Depth-first way | | | |
Find the Longest Substring Containing Vowels in Even Counts Problem | Medium | microsoft | |
Longest Subarray With Maximum Bitwise AND Problem | Medium | | |
XOR Queries of a Subarray Problem | Medium | airtel | |
Count the Number of Consistent Strings Problem | Easy | | |
Insert Greatest Common Divisors in Linked List Problem | Medium | | |
Minimum Steps to Traverse Points in an Infinite 2D Grid Problem | Easy | google | |
Conditional selection between x and y with bitwise operations problem | Medium | facebook | |
Alternating Two-Instance Singleton Pattern | Medium | google | |
Delete Nodes From Linked List Present in Array Problem | Medium | | |
Validating Consistency of Directional Rules Between Points Problem | Hard | uber | |
Find Missing Observations | Medium | | |
Capturing Loop Variables in Lambdas Problem | Easy | dropbox | |
Walking Robot Simulation Problem | Medium | jane-street | |
Read N characters given read7 | Easy | microsoft | |
Sum of Digits of String After Convert Problem | Easy | | |
Find the Student that Will Replace the Chalk Problem | Medium | | |
Convert 1D Array Into 2D Array Problem | Easy | | |
Modify Graph Edge Weights Problem | Hard | | |
Minimum Columns to Remove for Lexicographical Order in Matrix Problem | Medium | google | |
Random Pick with Blacklist Problem | Hard | amazon
uber | |
Maximum Distance in Arrays Problem | Medium | yahoo | |
Lemonade Change Problem | Easy | amazon
atlassian | |
Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance Problem | Hard | amazon
google | |
Efficient Conversion Between Imperial Distance Units Problem | Easy | jane-street | |
Regions Cut By Slashes Problem | Medium | uber | |
Magic Squares In Grid | Medium | google
wayfair | |
Spiral Matrix 4 - From Linked List | Medium | | |
Spiral Matrix 3 - Traverse from Given Starting Point | Medium | dataminr
facebook | |
Minimum Number of Pushes to Type Word 2 Problem | Medium | | |
Kth Distinct String in an Array Problem | Easy | | |
Determining the Existence of a Valid Secret Code in Mastermind Based on Given Guesses and Scores | Medium | facebook | |
Range Sum of Sorted Subarray Sums Problem | Medium | google | |
Minimum Steps to reduce number to 1 | Easy | | |
Make Two Arrays Equal by Reversing Subarrays Problem | Easy | facebook | |