What happens when you type an URL in the browser and press enter

The diagram below illustrates the steps. --- title: Refreshing an Expired Access Token --- sequenceDiagram autonumber actor User participant Browser participant DNSCache participant DNSResolver participant Server User->>Browser: enters an URL in the browser say https://k5kc.com/cs/algorithms/2sum-problem Browser->>DNSCache: Look up IP Browser->>DNSResolver: Send DNS Query (If not found in dns cache) DNSResolver-->>Browser: Resolve URL to IP Address Browser->>Server: Establishes TCP connection Browser->>Server: Send HTTP/HTTPS Request Server-->>Browser: Process Request and Send Response Browser->>Browser: Render HTML Content Browser->>Browser: Fetch and Execute CSS/JavaScript Browser-->>User: Page Fully Loads User-->>Browser: Possible Interactions ...

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