Insert Greatest Common Divisors in Linked List Problem | Medium | | |
Conditional selection between x and y with bitwise operations problem | Medium | facebook | |
Alternating Two-Instance Singleton Pattern | Medium | google | |
Delete Nodes From Linked List Present in Array Problem | Medium | | |
Find Missing Observations | Medium | | |
Walking Robot Simulation Problem | Medium | jane-street | |
Find the Student that Will Replace the Chalk Problem | Medium | | |
Minimum Columns to Remove for Lexicographical Order in Matrix Problem | Medium | google | |
Maximum Distance in Arrays Problem | Medium | yahoo | |
Regions Cut By Slashes Problem | Medium | uber | |
Magic Squares In Grid | Medium | google
wayfair | |
Spiral Matrix 4 - From Linked List | Medium | | |
Spiral Matrix 3 - Traverse from Given Starting Point | Medium | dataminr
facebook | |
Minimum Number of Pushes to Type Word 2 Problem | Medium | | |
Determining the Existence of a Valid Secret Code in Mastermind Based on Given Guesses and Scores | Medium | facebook | |
Range Sum of Sorted Subarray Sums Problem | Medium | google | |
Minimum Swaps to Group All 1's Together 1 - In an array | Medium | expedia | |
Minimum Swaps to Group All 1's Together 2 - In circular array | Medium | | |
Filling Bookcase Shelves Problem | Medium | bloomberg
google | |
Bishop diagonally attack on chess board problem | Medium | google | |
Minimum Deletions to Make String Balanced Problem | Medium | | |
Count Number of Teams Problem | Medium | amazon
goldman-sachs | |
Shortest Uphill-Downhill Route for a Competitive Runner | Medium | square | |
Minimum Cost to Convert String 1 | Medium | | |
Sort the Jumbled Numbers Problem | Medium | | |
Simulating an Unbiased Coin Toss Using a Biased Coin | Medium | square | |
Interleave the first half of the stack with second half using one queue | Medium | | |
Find Valid Matrix Given Row and Column Sums Problem | Medium | | |
Delete Nodes And Return Forest Problem | Medium | amazon
google | |
Step-By-Step Directions From a Binary Tree Node to Another Problem | Medium | | |
Create Binary Tree From Descriptions Problem | Medium | | |
m Coloring Problem - undirected graph as adjacency matrix | Medium | google | |
Locking and unlocking resources represented as binary tree nodes | Medium | google | |
Maximum Score From Removing Substrings Problem | Medium | | |
Reverse Substrings Between Each Pair of Parentheses Problem | Medium | adobe
postmates | |
Estimating the value of Pi using Monte Carlo method | Medium | google | |
Implement Job Scheduler with Delay Function Execution | Medium | apple | |
Implementing car and cdr Functions for Pair Construction | Medium | jane-street | |
Find the Winner of the Circular Game Problem | Medium | | |
Find the Minimum and Maximum Number of Nodes Between Critical Points Problem | Medium | | |
Merge Nodes in Between Zeros Problem | Medium | microsoft | |
Minimum Difference Between Largest and Smallest Value in Three Moves Problem | Medium | google | |
Find all paths in a binary tree which sum upto value | Medium | | |
All Ancestors of a Node in a Directed Acyclic Graph Problem | Medium | | |
Split Linked List in Parts Problem | Medium | adobe
amazon | |
Maximum Total Importance of Roads Problem | Medium | | |
Remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list keeping only unique elements | Medium | | |
Balance a Binary Search Tree Problem | Medium | amazon | |
Longest Continuous Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to Limit Problem | Medium | ebay
google | |
Count Number of Nice Subarrays Problem | Medium | amazon
roblox | |