Balance a Binary Search Tree Problem

Problem Given the root of a binary search tree, return a balanced binary search tree with the same node values. If there is more than one answer, return any of them. A binary search tree is balanced if the depth of the two subtrees of every node never differs by more than 1. Examples Example 1: 1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4 ...

Longest Continuous Subarray With Absolute Diff Less Than or Equal to Limit Problem

Problem Given an array of integers nums and an integer limit, return the size of the longest non-empty subarray such that the absolute difference between any two elements of this subarray is less than or equal to limit. Examples Example 1: Input: nums = [8,2,4,7], limit = 4 Output: 2 Explanation: All subarrays are: [8] with maximum absolute diff |8-8| = 0 <= 4. [8,2] with maximum absolute diff |8-2| = 6 > 4. [8,2,4] with maximum absolute diff |8-2| = 6 > 4. [8,2,4,7] with maximum absolute diff |8-2| = 6 > 4. [2] with maximum absolute diff |2-2| = 0 <= 4. [2,4] with maximum absolute diff |2-4| = 2 <= 4. [2,4,7] with maximum absolute diff |2-7| = 5 > 4. [4] with maximum absolute diff |4-4| = 0 <= 4. [4,7] with maximum absolute diff |4-7| = 3 <= 4. [7] with maximum absolute diff |7-7| = 0 <= 4. Therefore, the size of the longest subarray is 2. ...

Count Number of Nice Subarrays Problem

Problem Given an array of integers nums and an integer k. A continuous subarray is called nice if there are k odd numbers on it. Return the number of nice sub-arrays. Examples Example 1: Input: nums = [1,1,2,1,1], k = 3 Output: 2 Explanation: The only sub-arrays with 3 odd numbers are [1,1,2,1] and [1,2,1,1]. ...

Grumpy Bookstore Owner Problem

Problem There is a bookstore owner that has a store open for n minutes. Every minute, some number of customers enter the store. You are given an integer array customers of length n where customers[i] is the number of the customer that enters the store at the start of the ith minute and all those customers leave after the end of that minute. On some minutes, the bookstore owner is grumpy. You are given a binary array grumpy where grumpy[i] is 1 if the bookstore owner is grumpy during the ith minute, and is 0 otherwise. ...

Magnetic Force Between Two Balls Problem

Problem In the universe Earth C-137, Rick discovered a special form of magnetic force between two balls if they are put in his new invented basket. Rick has n empty baskets, the ith basket is at position[i], Morty has m balls and needs to distribute the balls into the baskets such that the minimum magnetic force between any two balls is maximum. Rick stated that magnetic force between two different balls at positions x and y is |x - y|. ...

Most Profit Assigning Work Problem

Problem You have n jobs and m workers. You are given three arrays: difficulty, profit, and worker where: difficulty[i] and profit[i] are the difficulty and the profit of the ith job, and worker[j] is the ability of jth worker (i.e., the jth worker can only complete a job with difficulty at most worker[j]). Every worker can be assigned at most one job, but one job can be completed multiple times. ...

Number of cells in multiplication table containing X

Problem Given integers N and X, write a function that returns the number of times X appears as a value in an N by N multiplication table. Suppose you have a multiplication table that is N by N. That is, a 2D array where the value at the i-th row and j-th column is (i + 1) * (j + 1) (if 0-indexed) or i * j (if 1-indexed). ...

Sum of Square Numbers Problem

Problem Given a non-negative integer c, decide whether there’re two integers a and b such that a^2 + b^2 = c. Examples Example 1: Input: c = 5 Output: true Explanation: 1 * 1 + 2 * 2 = 5 Example 2: Input: c = 3 Output: false ...

Replace Words Problem

Problem In English, we have a concept called root, which can be followed by some other word to form another longer word - let’s call this word derivative. For example, when the root "help" is followed by the word "ful", we can form a derivative "helpful". Given a dictionary consisting of many roots and a sentence consisting of words separated by spaces, replace all the derivatives in the sentence with the root forming it. If a derivative can be replaced by more than one root, replace it with the root that has the shortest length. ...

Buildings with sunset view Problem

Problem You are given an array representing the heights of neighboring buildings on a city street, from east to west. The city assessor would like you to write an algorithm that returns how many of these buildings have a view of the setting sun, in order to properly value the street. Assumption: Good to clarify with the interviewer, if the heights are equal? For this problem, equal height building don’t obstruct the view, and should be included in answer. ...

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