Find the Student that Will Replace the Chalk Problem

Problem There are n students in a class numbered from 0 to n - 1. The teacher will give each student a problem starting with the student number 0, then the student number 1, and so on until the teacher reaches the student number n - 1. After that, the teacher will restart the process, starting with the student number 0 again. You are given a 0-indexed integer array chalk and an integer k. There are initially k pieces of chalk. When the student number i is given a problem to solve, they will use chalk[i] pieces of chalk to solve that problem. However, if the current number of chalk pieces is strictly less than chalk[i], then the student number i will be asked to replace the chalk. ...

Convert 1D Array Into 2D Array Problem

Problem You are given a 0-indexed 1-dimensional (1D) integer array original, and two integers, m and n. You are tasked with creating a 2-dimensional (2D) array with m rows and n columns using all the elements from original. The elements from indices 0 to n - 1 (inclusive) of original should form the first row of the constructed 2D array, the elements from indices n to 2 * n - 1 (inclusive) should form the second row of the constructed 2D array, and so on. ...

Modify Graph Edge Weights Problem

Problem You are given an undirected weighted connected graph containing n nodes labeled from 0 to n - 1, and an integer array edges where edges[i] = [ai, bi, wi] indicates that there is an edge between nodes ai and bi with weight wi. Some edges have a weight of -1 (wi = -1), while others have a positive weight (wi > 0). Your task is to modify all edges with a weight of -1 by assigning them positive integer values in the range [1, 2 * 109] so that the shortest distance between the nodes source and destination becomes equal to an integer target. If there are multiple modifications that make the shortest distance between source and destination equal to target, any of them will be considered correct. ...

Random Pick with Blacklist Problem

Problem You are given an integer n and an array of unique integers blacklist. Design an algorithm to pick a random integer in the range [0, n - 1] that is not in blacklist. Any integer that is in the mentioned range and not in blacklist should be equally likely to be returned. Optimize your algorithm such that it minimizes the number of calls to the built-in random function of your language. ...

Maximum Distance in Arrays Problem

Problem You are given m arrays, where each array is sorted in ascending order. You can pick up two integers from two different arrays (each array picks one) and calculate the distance. We define the distance between two integers a and b to be their absolute difference |a - b|. Return the maximum distance. Examples Example 1: Input: arrays = [ [1,2,3],[4,5],[1,2,3] ] Output: 4 Explanation: One way to reach the maximum distance 4 is to pick 1 in the first or third array and pick 5 in the second array. ...

Lemonade Change Problem

Problem At a lemonade stand, each lemonade costs $5. Customers are standing in a queue to buy from you and order one at a time (in the order specified by bills). Each customer will only buy one lemonade and pay with either a $5, $10, or $20 bill. You must provide the correct change to each customer so that the net transaction is that the customer pays $5. Note that you do not have any change in hand at first. ...

Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance Problem

Problem The distance of a pair of integers a and b is defined as the absolute difference between a and b. Given an integer array nums and an integer k, return the kth smallest distance among all the pairs nums[i] and nums[j] where 0 <= i < j < nums.length. Examples Example 1: Input: nums = [1,3,1], k = 1 Output: 0 Explanation: Here are all the pairs: (1,3) -> 2 (1,1) -> 0 (3,1) -> 2 Then the 1st smallest distance pair is (1,1), and its distance is 0. ...

Regions Cut By Slashes Problem

Problem An n x n grid is composed of 1 x 1 squares where each 1 x 1 square consists of a '/', '\', or blank space ' '. These characters divide the square into contiguous regions. Given the grid grid represented as a string array, return the number of regions. Note that backslash characters are escaped, so a '\' is represented as '\\'. Examples Example 1: ...

Magic Squares In Grid Problem

Problem A 3 x 3 magic square is a 3 x 3 grid filled with distinct numbers from 1 to 9 such that each row, column, and both diagonals all have the same sum. Given a row x col grid of integers, how many 3 x 3 contiguous magic square subgrids are there? Note: while a magic square can only contain numbers from 1 to 9, grid may contain numbers up to 15. ...

Spiral Matrix 4 - From Linked List

Problem You are given two integers m and n, which represent the dimensions of a matrix. You are also given the head of a linked list of integers. Generate an m x n matrix that contains the integers in the linked list presented in spiral order (clockwise), starting from the top-left of the matrix. If there are remaining empty spaces, fill them with -1. Return the generated matrix. ...

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