Graph Representation - Adjacency List and Map

It is similar to Graph Representation - Adjacency List (with isDirected) Code Java public class Graph { private Map<Integer, List<Integer>> adjList = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private int V; private final boolean isDirected; public UnweightedAdjListGraph(int n, boolean isDirected) { V = n; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { adjMap.put(i, new LinkedList<>()); } this.isDirected = isDirected; } public boolean addEdge(int i, int j) { adjMap.putIfAbsent(i, new LinkedList<>()); adjMap.get(i).add(j); if (!isDirected) { adjMap.putIfAbsent(j, new LinkedList<>()); adjMap.get(j).add(i); } return true; } } ...

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