Stack implementation using linked list

We will be understanding the stack implementation using linked list. So, please understand the link list before proceeding. Lets understand how we can implement the different operation using linked list. CPP implementation Here is how we use linked list to implement stack in cpp: #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct node { int info; struct node \*next; }; struct node \*top; int empty() { return((top == NULL)? 1:0); } void push(int n) { struct node \*p; p=new node; if(p!=NULL) { p->info=n; p->next=top; top=p; } else cout<<"Not inserted,No memory available"; } int pop() { struct node \*temp; int x; x=top->info; temp=top; top=top->next; free(temp); return(x); } void print() { int i =0; struct node \* temp; temp = top; cout<<"\\n\\t\\t"; if(temp==NULL) cout<<"\\n\\t\\tNo elements\\n"; else { while(temp!=NULL) { int info = temp->info; cout<info<<" "; temp=temp->next; } cout<<"End of List<<"\\n"; } } ...

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