Convert Number to Hexadecimal Number Problem

Convert Number to Hexadecimal Number Problem Problem Given an integer num, return a string representing its hexadecimal representation. For negative integers, two’s complement method is used. All the letters in the answer string should be lowercase characters, and there should not be any leading zeros in the answer except for the zero itself. Note: You are not allowed to use any built-in library method to directly solve this problem. ...

Arrange Given Number To Form The Biggest Number Possible

Problem Arrange Given Numbers To Form The Biggest Number Possible. OR Write a function that takes a number as input and outputs the biggest number with the same set of digits. Examples Example 1: Input: num = 423865 Output: 865432 Similar Problems Next Greater Element 3 - Find smallest number larger than given number using same digits ...

Swap two number in place without temporary variables

Problem Write a function to swap two number in place without temporary variables. Solution Method1 - The XOR or Exclusive trick In C this should work: a ^= b ^= a ^= b; to simplify : a=a^b; b=a^b; a=a^b; ...

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