String Compression Problem

Problem Given an array of characters chars, compress it using the following algorithm: Begin with an empty string s. For each group of consecutive repeating characters in chars: If the group’s length is 1, append the character to s. Otherwise, append the character followed by the group’s length. The compressed string s should not be returned separately, but instead, be stored in the input character array chars. Note that group lengths that are 10 or longer will be split into multiple characters in chars. ...

Run-length Encoding

Problem Run-length Encoded is a fast and simple method of encoding strings. The basic idea is to represent repeated successive characters as a single count and character. Examples Example 1: Input: str = AAAABBBCCDAA Output: 4A3B2C1D2A Input Format public class RLECodec { public String encode(String str) { } public String decode(String data) { } } ...

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