Number of IslandsMediumadobe affirm alibaba amazon appdynamics apple arista-networks atlassian audible blackrock bloomberg bytedance cisco citadel citrix cohesity cruise-automation doordash ebay electronic-arts evernote expedia facebook godaddy goldman-sachs google houzz hulu jpmorgan linkedin liveramp lyft mathworks microsoft nutanix nvidia oracle palantir-technologies paypal qualtrics roblox salesforce servicenow snapchat splunk spotify square sumologic tableau twitch twitter uber visa vmware wish yahoo zenefits zulily
Group Anagrams ProblemMediumadobe affirm amazon apple bloomberg bookingcom cisco docusign ebay electronic-arts facebook goldman-sachs google hulu intuit mathworks microsoft nutanix oracle qualtrics salesforce servicenow snapchat tesla twilio uber visa vmware wish yahoo yandex yelp zulily
Trapping Rain Water ProblemHardadobe affirm airbnb amazon apple audible bloomberg bytedance citadel databricks dataminr ebay electronic-arts facebook flipkart goldman-sachs google grab huawei lyft microsoft nvidia oracle palantir-technologies qualtrics salesforce servicenow snapchat tableau twitter uber visa wish yahoo yandex zenefits
Squares of a Sorted array ProblemEasyadobe amazon apple bloomberg bytedance ebay electronic-arts facebook google jane-street microsoft nutanix oracle paypal splunk twitch uber vmware
Reverse Linked List ProblemEasyadobe alibaba amazon apple bloomberg bytedance cisco citrix docusign ebay electronic-arts facebook factset goldman-sachs google intel mathworks microsoft nvidia oracle paypal qualcomm snapchat spotify tencent tripadvisor twitter uber visa vmware yahoo yandex yelp zenefits