Shortest substring containing all characters in a setMediumsquare
Shortest Unique PrefixMediumgoogle square
Shortest Uphill-Downhill Route for a Competitive RunnerMediumsquare
Simulating an Unbiased Coin Toss Using a Biased CoinMediumsquare
Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Preorder TraversalMediumadobe amazon apple bloomberg bytedance citadel facebook google microsoft oracle square twitter yahoo
Palindrome PairsHardairbnb amazon apple bloomberg facebook google square uber
Reconstruct Itinerary ProblemHardamazon apple bloomberg citadel facebook goldman-sachs google microsoft qualtrics snapchat square twilio uber yandex yelp
Add Strings ProblemEasyadobe airbnb amazon apple bloomberg bytedance facebook google microsoft nvidia oracle snapchat square
Time Based Key-Value Store ProblemMediumamazon apple atlassian databricks facebook flexport google linkedin lyft microsoft netflix oracle square stripe sumologic twitter uber vmware zillow
Find the Celebrity ProblemMediumamazon apple facebook google linkedin microsoft palantir-technologies pinterest square uber vmware
Word Ladder 1 - Get Ladder LengthHardaffirm amazon apple audible bloomberg cohesity expedia facebook google linkedin lyft microsoft oracle pinterest qualtrics salesforce samsung servicenow snapchat spotify square tesla uber vmware yelp zillow
3Sum0 - Find three elements in an array that sum to a zeroMediumadobe akuna-capital alibaba amazon apple baidu bloomberg bytedance cisco citadel citrix coursera doordash ebay expedia facebook goldman-sachs google groupon ibm mathworks microsoft oracle paypal postmates qualtrics quora salesforce samsung servicenow snapchat splunk square tencent uber visa vmware works-applications yahoo yandex zoho
Encode and Decode Strings ProblemMediumbloomberg google microsoft square twitter
Implement Trie ProblemMediumamazon apple bloomberg ebay facebook google microsoft nutanix oracle pinterest qualtrics quip square twitter uber
Number of IslandsMediumadobe affirm alibaba amazon appdynamics apple arista-networks atlassian audible blackrock bloomberg bytedance cisco citadel citrix cohesity cruise-automation doordash ebay electronic-arts evernote expedia facebook godaddy goldman-sachs google houzz hulu jpmorgan linkedin liveramp lyft mathworks microsoft nutanix nvidia oracle palantir-technologies paypal qualtrics roblox salesforce servicenow snapchat splunk spotify square sumologic tableau twitch twitter uber visa vmware wish yahoo zenefits zulily
Word Break 1 - Check if word is breakableMediumadobe amazon apple audible bloomberg bytedance coupang ebay facebook godaddy google hbo hulu microsoft oracle pinterest pocket-gems qualtrics salesforce snapchat square tripadvisor twilio twitter uber vmware yahoo yelp zillow
Decode Ways ProblemMediumadobe amazon apple baidu barclays bloomberg cisco databricks expedia facebook goldman-sachs google huawei lyft microsoft oracle pinterest snapchat square twitter uber
Edit Distance ProblemMediumadobe amazon apple baidu bloomberg bytedance facebook goldman-sachs google intuit linkedin microsoft paypal qualcomm square uber vmware yahoo
Combination Sum 1 ProblemMediumairbnb akuna-capital amazon apple bloomberg ebay facebook goldman-sachs google jpmorgan linkedin microsoft quora snapchat square uber vmware yelp
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number ProblemMediumamazon apple atlassian bloomberg cisco dropbox ebay facebook goldman-sachs google jpmorgan lyft microsoft morgan-stanley nutanix oracle quip roblox salesforce servicenow square twilio uber vmware yahoo yelp
Integer to English Words ProblemHardamazon apple barclays bloomberg capital-one citrix facebook google jpmorgan linkedin microsoft nutanix oracle palantir-technologies paypal sap splunk square tableau tesla uber visa yahoo yelp zillow
Compare Version Numbers ProblemMediumamazon apple arista-networks google microsoft square