Shortest Uphill-Downhill Route for a Competitive Runner

Problem A competitive runner would like to create a route that starts and ends at his house, with the condition that the route goes entirely uphill at first, and then entirely downhill. Given a dictionary of places of the form {location: elevation}, and a dictionary mapping paths between some of these locations to their corresponding distances, find the length of the shortest route satisfying the condition above. Assume the runner’s home is location 0. ...

Simulating an Unbiased Coin Toss Using a Biased Coin

Problem Assume you have access to a function toss_biased() which returns 0 or 1 with a probability that’s not 50-50 (but also not 0-100 or 100-0). You do not know the bias of the coin. Write a function to simulate an unbiased coin toss. Solution Method 1 - Using Probability To simulate an unbiased coin toss using a biased coin, we can use a clever trick that leverages pairs of results. Specifically, we can use the pair (0, 1) and (1, 0) to generate unbiased results. The idea is that these pairs are equally likely to occur, regardless of the bias of the original coin. ...

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